Monday, December 12, 2005

Pursuit of Perfection

The dictionary defines perfection as "the state of being without a flaw or defect". No doubt perfection is a state which cannot be attained by us. But it is in the fitness of things to say that we should always aim for perfection in whatever we do. Perfection should be our life-long pursuit.

As human beings we have the tendency of choosing mediocrity over perfectionism. This may be the by-product of sheer laziness or a sense of irresponsibility. We, human beings, tend to subscribe to an ethos of being content with mediocrity. As ubiquitous as it sounds, we do. Albeit in varying levels, there are innumerable times in the day where we choose convenience over commitment and let ourselves be overcome by the ‘easier path’. .

In every job that we fulfil each day, it is critical that we approach it with the will to be the best at it. Be it in our professional work or in doing simple day-to-day work it is not sufficient that we merely achieve it—we need to be zealous about achieving it. We should be sticklers for detail and punctuality. We so enjoy dealing with these types of people. In this day of cutthroat competition, we need to take more cognisance of this than ever. The world around us is moving toward ever-higher levels of perfection. And the world certainly isn’t lenient toward those that fall short. It should be our endeavour to eternally chase that 'mirage' called perfectionism.


Krupali said...

u should read 'in pursuit of wow' by tom peters

Joy Tonsing said...

Krupali thanks for reading my blog and postiing your comments