Sunday, May 13, 2007

Goodbye KSP

After slogging my ass off for about a year and a half in this company, I finally handed in my resignation on 4th May, 2007 to move towards "greener pastures".

My journey in this company has been marked by ups and downs. There have been times when I feel used and became really frustrated and times when I really love working for this company. Anyway these are parts of life. What I like about this company is the dress code. You can wear jeans and T-shirt to the office Mondays to Fridays (I have always been a T-shirt and jeans person). Also there are no night shifts unlike most of the other BPO companies.

I had been through the usual grind of office politics (there is as much politics in private companies as in the government sector), tiffs with work colleagues, ego clashes, among others. And there were some really caring and helpful colleagues who stood by me through all the bad times.

I have learnt many things while working for this company and I am grateful to the company for that. I am especially indebted to Sunaina, our assistant team leader. She has been my mentor and benefactor. She was the one who guided when I first joined the company and stood by me at all times. She was the one I turned to whenever I have difficulties regardig my work and she was ever ready to help me. Thank you Sunaina and my best wishes to the company and all my work colleagues there.


mnowluck said...

keystroke pro ???

Join dek ta??

Mizohican said...

So where is this "greener pastures"? Or you're still looking?

Joy Tonsing said...

mnow join ta

illusionaire I am now working in rajya sabha

vaphualization said...

he's already got himself a good wife, and a good job!!!

Henry said...

Rajya Sabha..Eh ! Wondered what you r doing