Friday, April 21, 2006

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

It's been a long time since I have last updated my blog. At the start I had planned to update it regularly but things do not go as planned. And I have also stopped filling the pages of my diary where I had planed to write about at least one thing everyday. Anyway planning is one thing and following through that plan is another thing.

These days I am reading Robin Sharma's "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari". It is an account of a highly suceessful but highly stresed lawyer who had everything going his way as far as his career is concerned but eventually broke down in Court one day. It is his quest for happiness and personal meaning to his life, his journey to India in pursuit of these. Robin has blended the ancient wisdom of the sages with the wisdom contained in modern inspirational books into his novel. It is a must read for all those who want to improve the quality of their lives. The book contains many thought-provoking theories which are aptly backed up by examples.

I have not yet finished reading the book but I would rate this among the best books available today in its genre. You can have access to his blogs and many other things at

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